For the first time, OSHA has made the work-related injury and illness data collected from more than 80,000 employers from 1996 to 2007 available in a searchable online database, allowing the public to look at establishment or industry-specific injury and illness data. The database includes an establishment’s name, address, industry, associated total case rate (TCR); days away, restricted, transfer case rate (DART); and the days away from work case rate (DAFWII).
OSHA uses this data to calculate injury and illness incidence rates to guide its strategic management plan and to focus its Site Specific Targeting (SST) Program, which the agency uses to target its inspections. The database can be found online here or here.
NOTE: The second link ( provides more than just OSHA data. It provides public access to work force data created by the executive branch.
Thanks to Christina Armstrong for this information.