Wikipedia defines Human Trafficking as "the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or for the extraction of organs or tissues." I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we can all agree that the practice is deplorable.

So does this have something to do with California employment law or am I just trying to demonstrate that, after 25+ years of representing corporate employers, I’m still capable of empathy? It does (and I am). Effective April 1, 2013, pursuant to newly enacted Civil Code section 52.6, the following businesses in the state are required to conspicuously post a notice:

  • Restaurants that serve alcohol;
  • "Adult or sexually oriented businesses;"
  • Airports;
  • Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations;
  • Bus stations;
  • Truck stops;
  • Emergency rooms in general acute care hospitals;
  • Urgent care centers;
  • Farm labor contractors;
  • Privately operated job recruitment centers;
  • Roadside rest areas; and
  • Businesses or establishments that offer massage or bodywork
    for compensation (unless the only person providing the service owns the business and is licensed).

The notice must be posted "near the public entrance of the establishment or in another conspicuous location in clear view of the public and employees where similar notices are customarily posted." Employers must post the notice "in English, Spanish, and in one other language [only if] that [other language] is the most widely spoken language in the county where the establishment is located." This website by the Attorney General contains links to the notice in various languages. Let’s hope that this requirement does what it’s intended to do.