A Silicon Valley-based printing technology firm brought over employees from India and paid them their normal wages for the work they did in California. As reported on BBC News, Electronics for Imaging brought over 8 employees, worked them 122 hours in a week, and paid them $1.21 per hour, with no overtime. Plus it paid them in rupees.
This isn’t the first time that a company brought employees into California and paid them as if they were back home. But it may be the most egregious. Working even one day in the Golden State can bring the employee within the protection of California’s employment regulations.
We have two publications that identify the employment law issues that get companies with California employees into the most trouble. These pdf brochures — one for employers based outside California and one for those based in the state – summarize California’s unique legal requirements and how employers can protect themselves against serious legal exposure.
Spending a little time to determine if your company is sufficiently protected is a lot quicker and cheaper than waiting to find out why California is rated as the #1 judicial hellhole.