Fox Rothschild LLP is a proud sponsor of the Bay Area Urban Debate League. So am I. BAUDL helps to establish and maintain competitive debate leagues in under-resourced public high schools, through which under-served youth are taught to research and advocate positions on complex policy issues. Its participants are overwhelmingly students of color (98%) and low income (66%). Our program has a direct, measurable impact. The young people who participate see their literacy scores increase 25% per year and their odds of going to college increase 30%.
If you believe in equality of access to education, if it bothers you that the gap between the “haves” and “have nots” continues to widen, if you believe that there are young people in the poorest parts of the Bay Area who deserve a chance to succeed (and have much to contribute), please support BAUDL.
BAUDL currently serves 14 high schools locally, principally in San Francisco and Oakland. Our goal is to expand to reach more kids, in more schools, in more cities. To do that, we need your help. If you’re moved to donate, or would like to read more about how our organization is literally changing people’s lives, you can do so here.
BAUDL fight! BAUDL win!