Yes, we are all tired of Covid-19, but it is back with a vengeance this Fall, as are back-to-school colds and soon, the flu. This blog is a quick refresher
Continue Reading Covid-19 is BackCOVID-19 resources for employers
Coming Your Way: New COVID-19 Prevention Regulations for the Workplace
New COVID-19 prevention regulations for California workplaces will become effective no later than January 14, 2023. The new COVID-19 Non-Emergency Prevention Standards contain significant changes as compared to the current…
Continue Reading Coming Your Way: New COVID-19 Prevention Regulations for the WorkplaceEmployers’ COVID-19-Related Obligations Change Under New Legislation
Three bills signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last week once again modify employers’ obligations to California employees who are exposed to or contract COVID-19. The most important aspects of this…
Continue Reading Employers’ COVID-19-Related Obligations Change Under New LegislationTesting Your Patience: EEOC Revises COVID Testing Guidelines
While many now refer to the COVID-19 pandemic as a thing of the past, it is anything but gone. At the time this post was drafted, positive COVID cases in…
Continue Reading Testing Your Patience: EEOC Revises COVID Testing GuidelinesCalifornia Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Now in Effect — See FAQs and Required Posting
As explained by Sahara Pynes back on February 9th, California has mandated a new bucket of Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) for employees (of businesses with over 26 employees) to…
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California Reinstates Supplemental Covid-19 Sick Pay
With a record number of Californians missing work due to the Omicron variant, Governor Newsom has reached a deal with state lawmakers to require employers with more than 25 employees…
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Vaccinate or Test Mandates: The U.S. Supremes Blew Out OSHA’s Mandate, But Other Shoes May Drop for Employers in California
By a hard-hitting 6-3 majority last Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court barred the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from implementing or enforcing its new COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard…
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Cal/OSHA Extends and Revises Workplace COVID-19 Guidelines
A little over a year ago, Cal/OSHA adopted the first emergency temporary standards (“ETS”) to address COVID-19 cases in the workplace. Now, the second set of revisions will take effect…
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Los Angeles Businesses Must Now Police the Vaccination Status of Customers
As of Monday, restaurants, bars, malls, gyms, yoga studios, movie theaters, sports arenas, hair salons and many other businesses in Los Angeles must begin requiring that patrons show proof of…
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Cal/OSHA Adopts New COVID-19 Workplace Regulations – The Ground Shifts Again
California’s new COVID-19 prevention regulations adopted today allow employers greater freedom in some respects and impose new burdens in others. The regulations adopted by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board go into…
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